El enemigo quiere que nos sintamos rechazadas... excluidas, solitarias e inferiores.
En Sin invitación, Lysa comparte sus profundas experiencias personales con el rechazo, desde el prejuicio percibido por parte de una mujer perfectamente tonificada en una elíptica, hasta el doloroso abandono de su padre en su niñez. Se propone examinar con honestidad las raíces del rechazo, así como la habilidad que el mismo posee para envenenar las relaciones desde adentro hacia afuera, incluso nuestra relación con Dios.
Con una profundidad bíblica una vulnerabilidad sincera y un humor reconfortante, Lysa la ayudará a:
“Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.”
In Uninvited, Lysa shares her own deeply personal experiences of rejection—from the perceived judgment of the perfectly toned woman one elliptical over to the incredibly painful childhood abandonment by her father. She leans in to honestly examine the roots of rejection, as well as rejection’s ability to poison relationships from the inside out, including our relationship with God. With biblical depth, gut-honest vulnerability, and refreshing wit, Lysa will help you:
• Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.
• Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.
• Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady your soul and restore your confidence in the midst of rejection.
• Overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging.
Uninvited reminds us we are destined for a love that can never be diminished, tarnished, shaken, or taken—a love that does not reject or uninvite.