In a remote corner of Zangaro, a small republic in Africa, lies CrystalMountain. At certain times of the day the mountainemits a strange glow. Only mining magnate Sir James Manson, a shadowy titan of London's financial district, knowswhy. The mountain contains ten billion dollars'worth of the world's most valuable mineral,platinum, just waiting to be exploited. Now the only question is how to gethold of it. Sir James knows how. Unleash the dogs of war.
"Knocking off a bank or an armored truck is merely crude. Knocking off an entire republic has, I feel, a certain style." Manson is scheming a coup d'├®tat in Zangaro, a plan to invade the country with a band of savage, cold-blooded mercenaries and topple the government. The man selected to plan and carry out the mission is Cat Shannon, a thirty-three-year-old Anglo-Irishman from Nigeria. If the goal is clear, the means are not, for there are no up-to-date manuals on overthrowing governments by force. By the time he has set forth this sinister venture in all its ramifications, Frederick Forsyth has fashioned that manual and given us a classic of terror and enthrallment.